Saturday 28 May 2016

Character Improvisation

Myself, Don Pedro, Claudio and Conrade had to do an improvisation on what happened to destroy the trust and bond between Don John and Don Pedro. How did Don John try and kill his brother? Seeing as we had set the play in 1990s Gulf War we set it up so that Don Pedro asked Don John to call reinforcements as they were struggling and many men were dying. Don John and Conrade ran off without calling any reinforcements hoping that Don Pedro and Count Claudio would be killed in this battle. The outcome of this was that Claudio managed to get Don Pedro out successfully, however many men were slaughtered. During the improvisation Don Pedro and Claudio called Conrade and I into the office and asked what had happened and where the reinforcements were. I said that I had called them but they must've been some interference and the communication must not have been successful. They obviously did not believe me, however there was nothing they could do to prove this and so I put out my hand to encourage Don Pedro to shake it, and asked that we put this all behind us and that it was just a misunderstanding. Don Pedro reluctantly shook my hand.

I learnt a lot from the improvisation that helped me to add depth and understanding to the relationship between my brother and myself. This also helped build my relationship Conrade and fuel my hate for Claudio. The action of me and Conrad running away was both cowardly and evil, which made me realise that in some ways I am a coward, which was a new thought for me. This also showed me how deep my hatred for my brother was  that I was going to kill him. The next turn off the form room tonight don't go to the chemistry was extremely improved and you could see straight away my hatred for him and his reluctance to put any trust in me. This also made me realise that me and Conrad were very close and so after this my relationship with Conrad was even stronger as he help me through this time. my relationship with Claudio was made even stronger and you can now see that one of my main reasons for trying to hurt everybody is because I'm just want to hurt Claudia as he is my biggest enemy.

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